Health professions

The role of osteopathy in the Swiss primary health care system: a practice review

The aim of this study is to describe osteopathic activity, scope of practice and their patients’ profile to understand their role within the Swiss health system. This study will provide information and data to describe the profession, to help formulate teaching goals, plan ongoing training, identify research priorities, and provide data for stakeholder negotiation.

Method and Design

A practice review survey was organized to investigate osteopathic practice and their patient profiles. We estimate that we will need between 400 and 500 osteopaths to participate in the survey and describe around 2,300 patients for a representative sample size. Both osteopaths and osteopath assistants are to be included. All osteopaths registered to the National Registry of Allied Health Professionals (NAREG) will be approached by mail to participate in the survey. Inclusion criteria is to have an inter-cantonal diploma in osteopathy (GDK-CDS diploma). Assistant osteopaths (those having passed the first inter-cantonal exam) will be approached via the Association of Osteopathic Assistants, via the Conference of Sanitary Directors (GDK-CDS) organizing the exams, and via supervising osteopaths. The study is organised in three phases. The first a pilot phase is designed to develop and validate the questionnaire and to test the feasibility of using patient records to report patient profile. The second phase is the survey for which we will be using a web based online system. It will include a cross-sectional survey designed to describe osteopaths’ profile and working environments. Each participating osteopath will then be asked to select eight random new patient health records for encounters that took place in 2015 and extract data from these records. This retrospective descriptive record review is designed to describe the new patient and their encounters over a one-year period. The final phase of this study is the dissemination of the results and the promotion of the survey instrument.


Significance and impact

We hope this study will help to develop a continuing culture of research within the osteopathic profession in Switzerland as it is a professional initiative supported by academics. The survey questionnaire will be a validated and this instrument will be a resource for future osteopaths to monitor their activity. The data from the survey will enable international comparison and help define national priorities for the profession within the global international strategy. At a national level, the results are expected to help osteopaths better describe themselves to other health professions and the public to enable osteopathy to be recognised as a valued primary care provider in the Swiss healthcare system. Having a better insight in what osteopaths do will also be very valuable for professionals to plan for the future and determine research priorities.


Main applicants

Prof. Paul Vaucher, School of Health Sciences Fribourg HES-SO Haute école de santé Fribourg, (Switzerland) (principal investigator for Switzerland)

Prof. Dawn Carnes, (co-requérante), Unit of Research in Mobility & Musculoskeletal Care, School of Health Sciences Fribourg, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland (HES-SO), Fribourg, Switzerland

Academic and practice partners

Fédération suisse d’ostéopathie fso-svo

Swiss Osteopathic Science Foundation Swiss Osteopathy Science Foundation

Association Suisse des ostéopathes Osteo-Swiss

Fédération Suisse des patients Fédération suisse des patients



Swiss Osteopathic Science Foundation Swiss Osteopathy Science Foundation

School of Health Sciences Fribourg HES-SO HES-SO

Further information

Project leader


Research team

Paul Vaucher
Vaucher Paul
External contributor

Vaucher P. (principal investigator), Carnes, D. (co-principal investigator), Macdonald, M. (research collaborator): SwissOsteoSurvey - Describing osteopaths' scope of practice within the Swiss health system; a practice review study. Financé par Fondation pour la promotion de l'enseignement et de la recherche en ostéopathie et en collaboration avec Fédération Suisse des Ostéopathes, Fédération Suisse des Assistants en Ostéopathie et Fédération Suisse des patients.