Chronic disease

Becoming a specialist in your disease or... your health

Among the most common chronic diseases are cardiovascular diseases, strokes, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, back pain, asthma, etc. These long-term, often progressive illnesses, with an impact on daily life, are constantly on the increase. The impact of the disease on daily life goes far beyond the field of health care.

The research work of our institute focuses on a number of current issues, relating to self-management and self-assessment of symptoms, complex nursing interventions and the increasingly important role of family caregivers.


The projects are presented according to the language of the study.



Symptom Navi Program

The Symptom Navi Program helps people living with cancer to manage their own symptoms during and after periods of therapy.

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Diabetes: Promoting self-management through virtual nursing interventions

This development and feasibility study aims to understand and enhance patient participation in self-management behaviour, through virtual nursing interventions in hospital and outpatient settings.

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Soutien à l’autogestion dans l'insuffisance cardiaque

Utilisation d'une technique de développement consensuelle pour affiner une nouvelle intervention complexe à plusieurs composantes qui servira au suivi du soutien dans l'insuffisance cardiaque.

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Consultation INfirmière pour des Adultes atteint·es d’une maladie CANCEReuse : CINA-CANCER

Ces consultations ont été codéveloppées dans le cadre d’un partenariat académique clinique entre l’Hôpital fribourgeois (HFR) et la HEdS-FR. Elles s’adaptent aux besoins spécifiques des personnes en période de thérapie ambulatoire, tout en s’inspirant d’instruments d’évaluation reconnus (Supportive Care Needs Survey, Connor Davidson Resilience Score).

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Improving PERsoN-Centred DementiA Care

The objective of this study is to empower dementia care teams to carry out person-centred care in Swiss LTCFs.

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Symptom perception among persons with heart failure and their informal caregivers: development and feasibility of a complex nursing intervention

This doctoral project in nursing science (PhD in Nursing Science) aimed to develop a complex, evidence-based intervention supporting SYMptom PERception in HEART failure (SYMPERHEART) and test its feasibility, acceptability, and outcome responsiveness among persons with heart failure and their informal caregivers.

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Sharing patients’ and informal caregivers’ experiences - using symptom exacerbation narratives to reducing delay in seeking care among people with Heart Failure.

The overall objective of this study is to explore symptom exacerbation experiences of people with HF and their informal caregivers, and to assess the impact of using symptom exacerbation experience narratives on people with HF and their informal caregivers.

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Digital tool to promote self-management for people affected by cancer

The Symptom Navi programme, accessible via, supports patients and informal caregivers to better manage the effects of cancer disease and its treatments. Digital tools such as websites and applications are playing an increasingly important role in supporting self-management. However, little research has been carried out into how they are used and how well they meet users' needs.

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