
When collaborative approaches benefit our older people

The United Nations General Assembly has declared 2021-2030 the Decade of Healthy Ageing. It aims to reduce health inequalities and improve the lives of older persons.

Since more and more people are living longer with a disability or dependency, making it necessary for their relatives to provide them with face-to-face assistance, it seems essential to reflect on and provide solutions.

It is in this sense that the Aging research axis is dedicated to the promotion of quality care for frail elderly people, more particularly the family carers of people living with dementia, and residents of nursing homes. It aims to develop innovative solutions to meet the needs of these people in an effective way, and thus improve their quality of life.


The projects are presented according to the language of the study.



Diabetes: Promoting self-management through virtual nursing interventions

This development and feasibility study aims to understand and enhance patient participation in self-management behaviour, through virtual nursing interventions in hospital and outpatient settings.

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Prise en charge centrée sur la personne

Evaluation de la satisfaction des résident·es et des proches concernant la prise en charge centrée sur la personne dans les établissements médicaux-sociaux.

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Soutien à l’autogestion dans l'insuffisance cardiaque

Utilisation d'une technique de développement consensuelle pour affiner une nouvelle intervention complexe à plusieurs composantes qui servira au suivi du soutien dans l'insuffisance cardiaque.

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Relevé et analyse des indicateurs qualité (benchmarking) des établissements médico-sociaux fribourgeois

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Improving PERsoN-Centred DementiA Care

The objective of this study is to empower dementia care teams to carry out person-centred care in Swiss LTCFs.

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Symptom perception among persons with heart failure and their informal caregivers: development and feasibility of a complex nursing intervention

This doctoral project in nursing science (PhD in Nursing Science) aimed to develop a complex, evidence-based intervention supporting SYMptom PERception in HEART failure (SYMPERHEART) and test its feasibility, acceptability, and outcome responsiveness among persons with heart failure and their informal caregivers.

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